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    Disk Management - New Call Recording Partition on an in-use Server

    PLEASE NOTE: This guide is for situations where a machine has run out of space due to call recordings. This should not be followed if this is for a new machine.

    • Add the required amount of disk within vSphere. If the VM does not have a 2nd hard disk, make sure you add a 2nd one.

    • Within the Linux terminal, assuming that the sdb disk hasn't been created, enter the following in this order:
      • fdisk /dev/sdb
      • n > p > select defaults
      • t > 3 > 8e
      • w
    • Continue with the following:
      • pvcreate /dev/sdb1
      • pvscan
      • vgcreate VolGroup-CR /dev/sdb1
      • vgdisplay
      • lvcreate -L 20G -n lvol0 VolGroup--CR
      • Lvdisplay
      • mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/VolGroup-CR-lvol0
    • Now the important part. Because there are already call recordings being stored within /opt/pbxware/pw/var/spool/asterisk, we need to move this folder and any sub-folders to a temporary directory:
      • mkdir /opt/pbxware/pw/var/spool/asterisk1
      • mount /dev/VolGroup-CR-lvol0 /opt/pbxware/pw/var/spool/asterisk1
      • df -h
      • mv /opt/pbxware/pw/var/spool/asterisk/* /opt/pbxware/pw/var/spool/asterisk1
      • umount /dev/VolGroup-CR-lvol0
      • df -h
    • The disk is now mounted on the temporary folder and all files have been moved to this folder as well. The target directory (/opt/pbxware/pw/var/spool/asterisk) is now empty, meaning we can now unmount the disk from asterisk1, and re-mount it back onto asterisk.
      • vim /etc/fstab
      • paste this under “proc”: 
        • /dev/mapper/VolGroup--CR-lvol0  /opt/pbxware/pw/var/spool/asterisk      ext4    defaults        2 1
      • It should look like this:
      • wq
      • mount -a
    • df -h should now show the directory of /opt/pbxware/pw/var/spool/asterisk with a new parition assigned.



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